What is Yeti Spy?

Yeti Spy is a tool to help Eternal players build card collections quickly and efficiently.

It uses Eternal Warcry decks to calculate card popularity and generate recommendations.

Yeti Spy does its best to be smart. It gives lower recommendations to cards that you're likely to find naturally (like commons in the current set), and can incorporate the value of shiftstone from destroying bad/extra cards.


Why are cards showing up more than once?

The red colored diamond above the card shows the copy of the card being shown.

Each of the 4 copies of a card can have a different value. A market card might have a very desirable first copy, and unplayed 2nd, 3rd and 4th copies.

Why is a card missing from the results?

While you're logged in, only unowned copies of cards are shown.

If you already own 4 copies of the card, that card won't display.

Campaign cards also don't appear in the Cards page, because they aren't craftable with shiftstone.

The value of the whole campaign will be in the Purchases page, if the campaign is unowned.

If the card was just added to the game, it might not be added to the system yet. It should probably be there tomorrow.

What is Popularity?

Card popularity is how it is to own a particular copy of a card.

It is calculated from the card's use in Eternal Warcry decks, with focus on more recent and more popular decks.

What is Craft Efficiency?

Craft efficiency is how good it is to craft a particular copy of a card with shiftstone.

Mostly that means dividing popularity / cost, but it is also better to craft cards that you are less likely to find naturally while playing the game. Easily findable cards, like Common cards from the latest set, have lower craft efficiency.

Why do many cards have Popularity 0?

To keep recommendations current with the meta, and decrease the workload, only decks from the last few months are used to find Popularity. Cards with Popularity 0 were not used in any Eternal Warcry decks in that period.


What is Expected Purchase Value?

It's the amount of total card-popularity that your collection will gain from the purchase, on average

For example, if a purchase has an even chance of giving a card with 10 Popularity, or 20 Popularity, the expected purchase would be 15.

Yeti Spy also values raw shiftstone. Shiftstone has a value in Popularity based on the most shiftstone efficient crafts that can be made.

If a card could be destroyed and re-crafted for more popularity than the card itself, The greater value is used in calculating Expected Purchase Value.

For example, if a purchase gave 1000 copies of a legendary card you have a full playset of, the purchase would have a very high expected value due to the shiftstone from destroying them, even though unplayable copies after the 4th have Popularity 0.

How are Card Pack values calculated?

Each rarity is evaluated separately, by averaging the Popularity of cards in that set and rarity.

Then each rarity value is multiplied by its frequency in the pack, and added together for the final value.

Card frequencies:
  • Common: 8
  • Uncommon: 3
  • Rare: 0.9
  • Legendary: 0.1

How are Campaign values calculated?

Campaign values are just the total Popularity of each copy of each card inside.

Why are Campaign values so low compared to other purchases?

When you are logged out, or have a fairly empty collection, you may find that campaigns are given very low values, even when they contain great cards.

This is probably because your collection is still missing some extremely efficient cards to craft, like Torch, Wisdom of the Elders, or Cobalt Waystone.

Most purchases are will get you some bad rares or legendaries to craft into those high priority cards.

Since Campaign cards can't be destroyed for shiftstone, they have much less value in that situation.

How are Draft values calculated?

Draft value comes from two parts, the card draft itself, and the play rewards.

In the average case, for the average player, drafting 4 packs of cards will be equivalent to opening 4 such packs, so that is what Yeti Spy uses.

Measuring the card draft is very messy, though, because it relies on the behaviour of other players, and how much attention you're putting on choosing cards for the draft versus your collection.

For average draft, each possible reward value is averaged weighted on the chance of a statistically average player earning it.

No wins draft is just the value of the two silver chests you get by default.

At this time, individual card drop weights aren't incorporated. I'm working on it!

Why are the gold costs of drafts not 5,000?

Drafts give chests, which give gold.

Rather than give the gold a value and add it to the purchase value, its more intuitive to just treat the net gold cost as lower.

How are League values calculated?

Every league purchase gives a number of card packs, which are evaluated like any other card pack.

The first league of a month also gives rewards based on your placement. Using historical data, Yeti Spy determines the average placements for League players.

This is a messy calculation, and can change based individual skill, and the number of League players that month. However, the majority of the rewards can usually be gained even with poor play and few games played, so the stakes are low.